This site is information purpose only.
This is a personal translation of HOGONOMA, a part of Yukito Kishiro's official page YUKITPOIA.
Original is written in Japanese.
This translation may be incorrect and accuracy is not guaranteed.
Please refer the original Japanese Site.

You may need keep these points in your mind:

  • Japanese pronuciation of the title of "Battle Angel Alita" is "GANMU" so that "Battle Angel Alita", "GUNNM" and "GANMU" are all the same.
  • Mr. Tatsukawa's activity on the Internet had had almosot nothing related to "Battle Angel Alita" or "GUNNM".
  • Mr. Tatsukawa named his handle as "GANMU" just coincidentally and he did not know the existence of "Battle Angel Alita" at that time.
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YUKITOPIA right protection corner

This corner is set to protect right and honor of Kishiro Yukito and his works as well as to assure fan activities both on and off Internet.
This guideline is a unique rule of this web site and its purpose is to protect right related to Yukito Kishiro's works. Please understand this guideline does not refer to etiquette on Internet (so called "netiquette") in advance.

Also, as far as right related to Yukito Kishiro's works is not suffered, any needless request will not be maid. Please make your own decision on your self-responsibility as much as possible.

Along with this guideline, a past case is open to the public as a case study. This is agreed by the party concerned.

Please refer the site below for any special terms.
Multimedia/Internet Dictionary


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